Useful links for childminders...
Government Links to Important Documents
Early Years Statutory Framework
The Early Years Statutory Framework was updated in September 2021. This is the framework that all early years practitioners must follow whether they are childminders, teachers, in a play group or private nursery.
This is the non statutory curriculum created by the UK Government to support Early Years. This is the one I choose to use in my own setting and you'll find my Tracker That's Not a Tracker Pack works with this one, if you fancied a nosey. The Development Matters was also updated in September 2021 to coincide with the new Statutory Framework and if you are familiar with the previous one, you'll find that this is no longer in a checklist format. There are alternatives out there that have been produced by other organisations. One that seems to be really popular is Birth to Five Matters, which was created by an educational coalition.
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
This is statutory guidance on inter agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The Early Years section is on page 62 and safeguarding is of course also covered in the EYFS Framework too.
Understanding your Prevent Duty is a statutory part of being a childminder. That link takes you to the main page, so you can select your country. You will find training for Prevent Duty across different subscription services, or your own council may offer one.
County Lines
There's some useful information about County Lines on the government's website.
Please note that some of these links may take you to distressing content regarding the safeguarding of chihildren.
Ofsted Links
Ofsted's Pre-Registration Briefing
If you are considering becoming a childminder, then I recommend you watch this briefing. If you want to find out more about making the leap, you may find 'Are you Thinking About Becoming a Childminder?' useful.
Their website if you ever need it!
Ofsted's Early Years Inspection Handbook
If your inspection is due or you are wondering what's involved, then read this! Definitely read it at some point!
Report a Serious Incident to Ofsted
Hopefully, you won't ever have to use this, but if you do, here's the link. It's also the same one used to report covid cases in your setting.
If you need to contact Ofsted with something general, for example you've changed your opening days or moved house, then this is the way to do it.
FGM & Breast Ironing
The Home Office have provided useful information on FGM, along with an e learning package that I recommend you complete as part of your continuous professional development (CPD).
I found this useful information on breast ironing from the Met Police and it's recommended you educate yourself about this.
Here's some useful information about CSE on the government's website.