Inspiring Early Years Settings and Great Retailers for Resources...

This is my own business! It should not be at the top of the list by any stretch of the imagination, but I am really proud of what I've created! Here's my FB page too, where I share our day to day adventures.

This is a Curiosity Approach accredited setting and this lady and her business are fab! We have never met, but I have the utmost respect and admiration for her! If you are interested in learning more about The Curiosity Approach, please visit the Useful Childminding Links page.

Another lovely lady whom I've never met in person, but her setting, childminding practises and her whole outlook on life are wonderful!

I recently discovered this lovely childminder after putting out a request for recommendations of inspirational settings on social media! They have great resources and adventures, with lots of fab ideas!

I recently discovered this lovely childminder after asking for recommendations on social media. I commented on the chilled out vibe that's evident in her photos and she replied that she's currently working towards her Hygge accreditation! If you want to find out more about this, please visit the Useful Childminding Links page.
"Leave the time consuming planning and prep to us, freeing up your time to play with your little people!" The lovely ladies who run this fab business are former childminders and they offer a subscription service or you can buy one off boxes too! They also run the fantastic Childminder Activity Packs, where you can get ready made craft packs for all sorts of occasions and they're also really reasonable. You will find Childminder Activity Packs on Facebook too.
Can-Day Creations Custom Vinyl and Resources
This lovely lady made the leap from childminding to run her business full time. I'm a repeat customer and her work is amazing! She is very talented and can create all sorts including personalised water bottles, printed vinyl and peg dolls. Find her on Facebook to see her work and place an order.

Wendy Woo's Mood Stars have been a great addition to my setting and have opened up important conversation with my mindees. Wendy has many strings to her bow and although we have never met, I think she's fabulous!

A lovely family company who make work wear and gifts using embroidery and vinyl printing. They do lots of work for childminders and often have special uniform deals for us! They have a website and you'll also find them on Facebook.
Coverdale Educational Resources
A lovely family run company who create high quality wooden resources for early years. We have their little wooden houses in my setting and they are a great part of our loose parts play.
they have a website and you'll find them on Facebook too.
f you know of any inspiring childminding settings, please get in touch and I can add them to the list!
If you know of any awesome retailers, preferably independent ones, then please get in touch and I can add them to our list