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The 'Tracker That's Not a Tracker' Pack

…with the temporary name that stuck!   This pack was a challenge to create as I wanted to embrace the new EYFS and Development Matters by making sure there wasn’t a checklist in sight, but  also needed something practical and useful to replace my trusty tracker so I can keep notes on my mindees and feel like I’m on top of things.  I think you know where I’m coming from!


What you’ll find in this digital pack are a few different things based on the Development Matters, so you can pick and choose the bits that work for you and use them as you see fit. You may be an avid planner and list maker or you may go with the flow completely and pull out resources that suit that moment of learning. However you work, I hope you find this pack useful; that it makes you feel organised and in control; so you can continue being your awesome self and doing what you do best – nurturing and teaching the amazing children in your care.


What do you get?

Learning Record (PDF)

  • This has the ‘Learning to’ statements from Development Matters and space for your own notes in as condensed a format as possible, without needing a magnifying glass.
  • You may choose to have one for each child, or to have one for the setting.
  • The pages are numbered.
  • The Seven Areas of Learning are organised in area, with birth to 3 all the way to Reception being grouped together.
  • Each age group and area is split across one or two pages.

Learning Record No Numbered Pages (PDF)

  • Same as the above Learning Record but this one does not have page numbers so you can change the way its organised. For example, you may want to reorder it so all the Seven Areas of Learning for Birth to Three are together, followed by all areas for ‘3 and 4 year olds’. I think this is way I’m going to use it.

Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning Record (PDF)

  • This has the characteristics and space for your own notes. It’s a separate record, so you can pick where to add it into your Learning Record, if you choose to use it! The front page is there just in case you decide to keep it separate.

Learning Update (PDF & Word)

  • This is a simple one page report that you can use to record your mindee’s progress at regular time periods (for example every 6 weeks or every term – I do termly) and share with their parents/carers if you wish.
  • It includes the Seven Areas of Learning, Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning as well as space for ‘highlights’, what they are working on next and what they could do at home
  • It’s both a PDF and Word document, so you can print it and hand write or edit it on your computer, personalise it for your setting and email it to parents/carers if you choose.

Learning Update 2 (PDF & Word)

  • Same as the above Learning Update, but in a different layout.

Seven Areas of Learning Overview (PDF)

  • This has the main statements from the Statutory Framework, which are also at the start of each section in the Development Matters document. They summarise each section well and I have grouped them altogether in one handy overview, which also has space your own notes, activity ideas, resource lists, places to go and special days. I’d recommend you have one for your setting that you can add to when you are feeling inspired, or your mindees are doing a great activity that you want to remember so you can do it again.

Curriculum Guide (PDF)

  • This has all the ‘Learning to’ statements and the examples from Development Matters with a small notes section for each one in as condensed a format as possible without needing a magnifying glass. You may choose to have one of these for each child, but it’s quite a lengthy document and I’d recommend having one for your setting that you use to jot down notes and ideas on for the different areas of learning.

Front Cover (Word)

  • This is editable, so you can personalise covers for each pack and make them your own.


Technical Stuff

  • This digital pack is a Zip File containing both PDFs and editable Word documents.
  • You receive a download link at checkout and a second one is also sent via email.
  • You get one opportunity to download the pack, so it’s recommended you open the link on your computer and download it there as not all phones or tables have the space or capability to open the documents.
  • Pay once and print as many as you need.
  • It is only to be used by the person purchasing for use within one setting and must not be shared - support a small business and buy your own copy please!
  • Download within 30 days of purchasing.
  • Refunds will not be given.
  • Download links can be resent if necessary - just get in touch.
  • For full details about your purchase, see FAQs, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.
  • ©Sam Heaven

The 'Tracker That's Not a Tracker' Pack

    ©Samantha Heaven and built with
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