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Useful links for childminders...

Childminding Subscription Links


Pacey is the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years. They offer insurance, advice, legal support, paperwork and training amongst other things. I am personally not a member at the moment, but I really like their FAQs, especially where covid has been concerned.


This company offers insurance, advice, legal support, paperwork and training amongst other things.  They also have a service to match childcare providers with families looking for childcare, which I know many people find useful.  


Childminding UK

This charity offers support, advice, paperwork and training amongst other things. I am a member of this organisation and I find their training to be excellent. I've also found them to be really helpful for the tricky questions that you can't seem to get a straight answer too.  Their section on Becoming a Childminder is really informative. 


Birth to Five Matters

A coalition of educational organisations created an alternative curriculum to accompany the new EYFS Framework and the result was Birth to Five Matters, This is on my to do list to do more research into, but here's the link so you can check it out for yourself. 


Early Years Alliance

I don't know much about this organisation (they are on my to do list to research) but I think they offer training through Educare and support. I saw a their name in the media a lot during the covid pandemic and it's my understanding they provide extensive support for the Early Years Sector.


Foundation Years

I don't much about this organisation either, but it's my understanding that they are part of the Department for Education. 


If there are any more great ones you know of, please get in touch so I can add them to the list!

Cultural Capital

This is a more recent phrase that's been introduced and it's one that encompasses lots of important aspects, that we are really well placed to deliver in our role as childminders. One of the best links I've found that explains Cultural Capital in the Early Years is from Twinkl, and you don't need to be a member to access it.  


The ICO is the Information Commissioner's Office and it is concerned with data protection and GDPR. If you store ANY information about your childminding families on an electronic device, then you have a legal duty to register with ICO and pay their annual membership. Their website is huge as it covers all sectors and is a bit overwhelming, but here's a really useful section about data protection and children


Here are some different approaches that you may be interested to have a look at. 


Hygge in the Early Years

If you just Google that phrase, you will find a whole wealth of information out there! 


The Curiosity Approach

A modern day approach to early childhood.


Loose Parts Play

Again, if you Google the phrase, you will find loads of information, but the link I provided is one that I am a fan of.



Maria Montesorri developed her approaches in the early 1900s, which are based on promoting independent and hands on learning around 7 principles.


If there are any more that you think I should add, please get in touch and let me know. 

Public Liability Insurance

As a childminder, you must have public liability insurance. Some of the subscription childminding organisations mentioned on this page offer insurance as part of their package. There are also companies like Morton Michel, who offer insurance too.  I am sure there are others out there, but these are the ones I know of. 

British Values

This has been a buzz word since 2014 and you will most probably have heard of it. But what does it mean and how are you encouraging it in your setting?  It's really important and you're already doing lots of things to promote British Values, whether you realise it or not.  There's a British Values Poster in my shop actually that you may find useful when you're describing British Values in Early Years. Here's a good link that explaining British Values from Twinkl and you don't need to be a member to access this part.  

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